About Qigong

Qigong, pronounced "chee gong", is an ancient Chinese methodology of body movement, meditation, and controlled breathing which literally means subtle-breath or vital energy which is; qi combined with skill cultivated through steady practice; gong. Qigong is a health and wellness exercise over thousands of years old and a traditional root of Chinese medicine. It is a practice that is highlighted by the harnessing of the breath, one's movement and intention toward creating health and balance within the body.

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In traditional qigong, the aim is less muscular focus which uses flowing movements making it a simple practice. Qigong has these main benefits:

Qigong can harmonize, strengthen and aid in overall healing functions of internal organs and bodily systems. Qigong has the power to increase the flow of energy throughout the body and the purpose of it is to unblock stagnant energy. It will decrease your stress levels, strengthen mental functioning and enhance spirituality. Qigong has 5 main principles:


Qigong has five elements in nature which correspond to the cyclical flow of energy: fire, wood, earth, metal and water. It also has five main bodily organs in which it functions and these organs are known as the yin (moon/or feminine) organs of Chinese medicine: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. By working these organs through Qigong movements, breaths, and postures, these organs (which serve to transform, regulate, and store bodily fluids and blood) are stimulated to positively keep a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. This harmony serves to help the body avoid illness and add longevity. 

In the mode of conducting the movement exercises of qigong there are seven chakras, (sanskrit for wheel of light), where life-force energy centers reside. It is within them that we work and as we do, we receive, transmit and assimilate beneficial energy or qi to keep our bodies harmonious in its function. Thus, maintaining optimal function for longevity.